Archives quotidiennes :

Tiens un mail délire

juste pour le fin quelqu’un m’a adressé ce mail :

From……: Kathie
Email…..: k……

Hello, I am writing in an unusual case … Some time ago, I used your services, and one of your employees face was familiar to me. At dinner with my wife, it turned out that he was a burglar, who 5 years ago broke into our home!!! This is ridiculous!!! How you can hire criminals? I found at least 3 bad entries for him at website for background check!! I am sure there are more!!! Please do something about it, things like that are ridiculous!!!

Je ne sais pas comment celà a pu arriver mais c’est pas au bon endroit. Comment un mail posté sur un autre wordpress aurait pu rentrer sur le mien ? c’est vraiment étrange. Si ça se trouve c’est la NSA 🙂